What is getting in the way of real productivity?

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Tons of Emails and Paper

On average 121, that’s the number of Emails an average person receives per day in 2015 and the numbers go up as work becomes more digital in todays post Covid Pandemic world.

That’s a lot of numbers, right?

Whenever a person stops working on a project/task to check their inbox, it takes them almost 23 minutes to get back on the track.

The issue with Emails is that it is not tied to the issue and there are a lot of steps involved in resolving an issue which requires intense collaboration with team members. With the advent of the mobile age, collaborative work management software is needed to track, assign and resolve the issues on the go.

In 2016, we have created more than half a billion tons of paper and it’s no wonder that more than a quarter of all landfill waste is paper. Not only is this an environmental tragedy, but it is inefficient because paper does not give the right business intelligence and insight they need to succeed.

The number one obstacle to change is inertia, familiarity makes life easier in the short term. There’s no learning curve with paper because most processes in use today and they work pretty well.

The problem is that simply digitizing paper-based processes isn’t a good enough reason to switch. There needs to be a compelling bottom-line benefit to replacing a legacy system.

For people who work in technology, this idea is so obvious it doesn’t need explanation. But that’s not the case in many industries. For example, the construction industry, which generates almost a trillion dollars in revenues every year, still overwhelmingly relies on paper for inspections.

It may be inefficient and clumsy, but it seems to do the job well enough that it’s difficult to make a case for mobile. That’s also true for real estate, hospitality, insurance, transportation and other major industries that rely on paper.

To ensure that productivity is increased, we have to remove paper processes and generate real business insights on the information entered.

There must be a rethink on the approaches that rely on today’s technology to create a single repository of information that is easy to analyse and to spot issues with pinpoint accuracy.

With the right Collaborative Work Management platform, your team will be able to be more productive and focus more on their work to get better results.

You can easily solve this with Synttro’s solution. Everything Starts Here!

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